Organisk "första hjälpen" balsam - Naturliga produkter Calivita

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Organisk "första hjälpen" balsam

Calivita kosmetika

Vi har utvecklat vår organiska första hjälpen balsam för omedelbar smärtstillande , kylning och uppmjukning av huden. Vi har bifogat utmärkta örter som aloe vera, mentol, kamfer, kamomill, malva eller rosmarin i en roll-on behållaren så att det kan ge dig snabb hjälp vid reumatiska smärtor, muskelkramper och stammar, solbränna, insektsbett eller blockeras luftvägarna . Dess användning är lika perfekt efter sportaktiviteter, under utflykter och semester.
Antal i lager: 2
15.90 €
OrganiCare Rescue Gel
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OrganiCare Rescue Gel - Organisk "första hjälpen" balsam - organisk räddningsgel

Organic Rescue Gel
Organic first aid balm

Our OrganiCare cosmetics products contain  valuable active ingredients from herbs produced on organic farms. During our traditional production method that follows manual harvesting and involves great attention and control, we do not use any kind of chemical processing aids to ensure  preservation of the entire effect of the valuable components.   This results in products of extremely high quality, pureness and effectiveness.

The OrganiCare product family contains a shower gel, a body lotion, a shampoo, a hair conditioner, two different types of toothpaste and a first aid balm. Thanks to the gentle care provided by our natural, allergen-free ingredients, the whole family can use our products so it is the ideal choice for children and people with sensitive skin alike.

RESCUE GEL (60 ml)

We have developed our organic first aid balm for instant painkilling, cooling and relaxation of the skin. We have enclosed excellent herbs such as aloe vera, menthol, camphor, camomile, mallow or rosemary in a roll-on container so that it can provide you quick help in case of rheumatic pains, muscle cramps and strains, sunburn, insect bites or blocked airways. Its use is equally ideal after sports activities, during excursions or holidays.

To whom and for what do we recommend it?
  • For the whole family including children,
  • for individuals who need instant painkilling and cooling,
  • for hikers and sports people who struggle with rheumatic pains, muscle cramps and strains,
  • for holiday makers and  hikers to relieve sunburn and  insect bites.

Always have help at hand.
Finally, we would like to present the "first aid balm" Rescue gel, which contains excellent ingredients such as aloe vera, olive oil, menthol, camphor, chamomile, sage, rosemary, devil's claw, arnica montana. Due to its components it offers immediate relief from rheumatic pains, muscle spasms, and trains.

The ball-like formulation is easy to use and its conveniently small size allows you to fit it in a small space, so it can not only be part of the dispensary, but ideal on trips and your vacations. It provides fast help for burned skin or stings as it has an analgesic, cooling and soothing effect. It is worth trying applying to the chest since it provides relaxation to clogged airways.

Diligence and care
What they have in common is: quality, purity, effectiveness, and careful production, all with a captivating scent. Every member of the family can use our products, and are excellent for all skin types. They strengthen the skin's defense line, and restore it to that perfect balance. The active substances are grown on an organic farm with the utmost care. Fruits and leaves are hand-picked and prepared for processing, which takes place at low temperatures to ensure valuable vitamins, antioxidants, and polyphenols do not lose their strength. We do not use any chemical additives during the process. Every step of the production is continuously monitored, thus we can ensure high quality, and clean-rich products as the final result.

Calivita: OrganiCare Rescue Gel

60 ml

Directions for use

Active ingredients

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Organic Rescue Gel
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