L-Lysine PLUS - Naturliga produkter Calivita

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L-Lysine PLUS

Calivita L-Lysine PLUS
Andra Calivita produkter
60 kapslar

Lysin är en så kallad huvudsaklig amino-syra, en viktig komponent av proteiner. Uttrycket "väsentlig" innebär att kroppen inte kan producera ämnet i sig, och det är därför vi måste skaffa det från externa källor. Produkten L-Lysin PLUS är baserad på lysin, som kompletteras med vitamin C.
Antal i lager: 5
19.50 €
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L-Lysine PLUS - aminosyran lysin

L-Lysine PLUS
Help against herpes

To whom and when do we recommend it?

Essential amino acid L-lysine - a source of collagen

Lysine is a so-called essential amino-acid, an important component of proteins. The expression “essential” means that the body is not able to produce the substance by itself, which is why we need to obtain it from external sources. The product L-Lysine PLUS is based on lysine, which is supplemented with vitamin C.

Role of protein in the body

Approximately 15% of the human body is composed by proteins, which constantly break down and re-build. This process is normally balanced. The building bricks of proteins are the so-called amino-acids. The proteins found in the human body practically consist of “only” 20 different amino-acids but due to the huge number of possible variations and other circumstances, the number of protein types found in nature is unbelievably high.

Previously, 9 types of amino-acids were believed to belong to the essential group, but we already know that the human body is capable of more or less producing seven of these. However, two amino-acids (treonine and lysine) can truly only be obtained via food intake.

Essential Amino Acids

The body cannot synthesize 8 amino acids, including L-lysine, so they must be supplied with food. We call them essential or essential amino acids. In addition to the proper supply of amino acids, their proper proportion is also important, which largely depends on the composition of our daily diet. If the amino acid content of the food is inadequate (e.g. as a result of improper nutrition, following a vegetarian, slimming or low-protein diet), protein metabolism may be disrupted. The lack or low content of at least one essential amino acid prevents or limits the use of other amino acids for protein synthesis.

Role of lysine

L-Lysine is involved in building proteins, mainly in muscles and bones. It is necessary in the formation of collagen - it is a structural protein of connective tissue found, among others, in the skin, tendons, cartilage, bones, walls of blood vessels, which gives cells elasticity and elasticity. L-Lysine also plays an important role in the formation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies. It supports the absorption of calcium and plays an important role in the synthesis of L-carnitine (a substance involved in fat metabolism).

Who may be deficient in lysine

L-Lysine is one of the basic amino acids. L-lysine supplementation is recommended for people: on a vegan, vegetarian, slimming, low-protein diet, physically hard working, stressed, and looking good. In addition to L-lysine, the product also contains vitamin C. It also plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen. It is a great antioxidant, it protects DNA, proteins and fats from oxidation. It supports the immune system, influences the proper functioning of the nervous system, plays an important role in energy metabolism and iron absorption.

In addition to the appropriate intake of amino-acids, it is equally important to maintain their balance, which mostly depends on the composition of consumed food. If the protein content of the food is improper (e.g. in the case of a non-balanced diet, insufficient nourishment, fasting, slimming diet), the metabolism of amino-acids may be disturbed.

Due to the lateral chain it has in its chemical form, lysine belongs to the so-called alkaline amino-acids. In addition to being one of the components of proteins, it also facilitates the absorption of calcium and it is also necessary for the formation of collagen so it helps maintain the appropriate structure of conjunctive tissues and thus it may support the natural state of the skin, the muscles and joints. Lysine may also contribute to the formation and maintenance of the normal structure of bones.

Lysine and Vitamin C

Apart from lysine, the product also contains vitamin C, which also plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen, is a substance supporting the immune system and is well-known for a number of other beneficial effects. It is a great antioxidant, it protects DNA, proteins and fats from oxidation. Supports the immune system, affects the proper functioning of the nervous system, plays an important role in energy metabolism and iron absorption

Do you know that:
One capsule of L-Lysine PLUS provides as much lysine as 4 servings of corn.

food supplement Calivita: L-Lysine PLUS

60 capsules


1 capsule daily.

Lysine PLUS active ingredients

L-Lysine 500 mg
Vitamin C 60 mg

L-lysine hydrochloride (75.3%), gelatin capsule: (gelatin, water), vitamin C (7.2%), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate), anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide.
  • In the case of application over a period of six months, please consult your physician.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: L-Lysine PLUS, Calivita, amino acid lysine

With Lysine against herpes

For many of us, herpes means an unexpectedly recurring nightmare. It disfigures our skin time after time and in addition it may be accompanied by pain, indisposition and dejection.

For this condition affecting many people’s life 2 viruses are responsible: Herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV – 2). The latter is transmitted sexually and in turn it colonizes in the ganglions of the sacroiliac causing discomfort on and around sexual organs; while the former characteristically spreads by droplet infection and direct bodily contact, using common kitchen utensils and glass. 40% of people who get infected with this virus, are infected in childhood.

Characteristically symptoms of herpes include tiny blisters full of liquid on and around lips, usually at the least convenient time. Some individuals are able to feel it coming on feeling pain, itching, and burning and is usually triggered by hormonal changes, UV radiation (sunbathing), infection, feverish conditions, physical, intellectual or mental stress. Unfortunately, following the acute phase the virus will not disappear from the body and instead it prepares for the next attack retiring to the ganglions. So once you caught herpes virus, you will be a host till death, however symptoms are not certain to reoccur.

During the acute phase it can be treated with different ointments or with orally applied aggressive antiviral medications. The latter are continuously applied by many in the latent phase as well in the hope of being able to shorten or reduce the chances of the acute phase and not continuosly burdening the body with drugs. The effectiveness of these drugs also depends on timing however and it is very hard to “get right” as blisters usually appear unexpectedly.

As contamination involves many people around the world, it may have serious consequences in the long run such as diseases related to the cornea,and many studies have examined the problem. Many of them have concluded that lysine, which is present naturally in the body, may help patients in some way or another. At present we already know how. Lysine is one of the amino acids which builds up our proteins. It participates in building up such proteins like collagen, and it may promote calcium absorption from the intestines, so it may be useful in the prevention of osteoporosis. As it is essential and our body is unable to synthesize it, it should therefore be supplemented from external sources to make up for the amounts we have utilized in the course of metabolism.

Studies prove that lysine is absorbed competitively with arginine, another amino acid. In other words if there is more of one than the other, clearly smaller amounts of one enter the body. As the herpesvirus needs arginine to multiply, by blocking absorption we may hinder the multiplication of the virus and the acute phase,which may alleviate symptoms. Although arginine is not essential it can be produced by the body and by blocking the absorption of lysine we do not cause any deficiency.However, food such as cereals and meat are good sources of lysine and contain significant amounts of arginine as well. Consequently, the desired lysine-arginine “ratio” cannot be achieved by diet alone.

In a 6 months study participants were divided into 2 groups – those receiving lysine and those not. During the study half of all cases of illness were reported from the group receiving lysinecompared to the control group not receiving lysine. In another study, when applying 312-1200 mg lysine daily (in one or more doses) scientists found that it shortened the period of the acute phase as well as reduced the frequency of recurrence. Lysine did not cause any side-effects in any studies even in doses of 3000 mg per day.

As we can see from the above, lysine may be a promising complement to anti-herpes therapy as it may shorten the acute phase and may reduce their frequency. Additionally, it is not an aggressive antiviral “chemotherapeutic” drug but a natural substance which is present in our body.

Griffith RS, et al. Succes of L-lysine Therapy in Frequently Recurrent Herpes Simplex Infection. Treatment and Prophylaxis. Dermatologica 1987.
Civitelli R, Villareal DT, Agnusdei D, et al. Dietary L-lysine and Calcium Metabilsm in Humans. Nutrition. 1992.
Thein DJ, Hurt WC. Lysine as a prophylactic agent in the treatment of recurrent herpes simplex labialis Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1984.

L-lysine amino acid from a scientific point of view


L-lysine is a protein amino acid. Proteins are an essential building block of all tissues of the human body (not only the muscles with which they are often associated). They play a special role in the construction of many biologically active compounds, such as enzymes and hormones, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Proteins are compounds with a very complex structure, and the smallest part of them is an amino acid.

Exogenous and endogenous amino acids
Amino acids are divided into exogenous (essential - which must always be in the human diet), relatively exogenous (relatively necessary - necessary during growth and development - in adults they do not have to be present in the diet) and endogenous (not necessary - which the human body itself is able to produce). The quality of protein - its nutritional value - is determined by the content of exogenous and endogenous amino acids, their mutual proportions and product digestibility. The best quality protein is wholesome protein. A wholesome protein is one that contains all the essential amino acids in such proportions as best suited to human needs. The wholesome proteins include, first of all, egg white and human milk protein (they are model proteins), milk protein (e.g. cow protein), and partly also meat proteins. Partially defective proteins contain all the essential amino acids, but some of them are in insufficient amounts. An example of such a protein is cereal proteins (low in lysine). The last group are incomplete proteins - they do not contain a single essential amino acid. A deficient protein is e.g. zein (corn protein). As you can see, the basis for the division of proteins into those that ensure life and development (wholesome), guarantee only life and are insufficient for development (partially defective) and insufficient to keep the body alive (deficient) is the presence of exogenous amino acids in them, which are not they are produced in the human body, therefore they must be supplied with food. L-lysine belongs to the group of these amino acids (from 8 to 10 - depending on the age of a person) [1,2].

L-lysine as a limiting amino acid
L-lysine is a compound quite widely distributed in nature, however, due to its small amounts in cereal products, it is considered the most important limiting amino acid in this food group [3,4,5,6,7]. The limiting amino acid is the most exogenous (essential) amino acid in a given protein. Its amount is a factor limiting the use of other amino acids from a given protein, which affects its nutritional value. In other words, protein from food can be used by the human body to the extent that the limiting amino acid allows, i.e. the one whose content in the protein is the lowest. To make full use of protein from food, foods low in a particular amino acid are combined with foods that contain high amounts of it. Therefore, cereal products (e.g. oats) are traditionally combined with dairy products, which are a good source of L-lysine, which in turn increases the quality of the protein contained in the entire meal. The amount of L-lysine in various cereal products varies not only depending on the product itself (shortage in oats, large amounts in amaranth), but also on the growing season and the method of fertilization [8,9]. Scientific studies have shown that during the vegetation of winter barley, as well as under the influence of nitrogen fertilization, the content of many amino acids in its biomass, including L-lysine, was significantly reduced [10]. The amount of L-lysine in food products is also lost depending on the thermal treatment used. Its main sources in the diet are meat, fish, eggs, dairy products - often subjected to high temperatures. Unfortunately, heating, frying or baking of food products containing lysine, especially meats, largely destroys it and causes the meal to contain a small amount of it [11]. This is because L-lysine is involved in the so-called Maillard reactions - responsible for the formation of the smell, taste and color of the product (crispy crust of bread, browned part of a fried egg, appetizing smell of roasted meat) and unfortunately becomes not absorbed by the body. As a consequence, it cannot be used for the biosynthesis of proteins in the human system [12].

The role of L-lysine in the body
L-lysine performs a number of important functions in the human body. It is necessary for the growth and development of cartilage, the synthesis of nucleotides (building DNA) and lactation. It participates in the renewal of tissues, the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies, and also affects the fat metabolism [13]. In other words, L-lysine guarantees correct bone structure and the right composition of milk during breastfeeding. It has a positive effect on the body's immunity and also allows you to burn fat. However, its influence on all these processes is not direct - most of its functions are performed as elements of biologically active compounds.

L-lysine and its role in building connective tissue (collagen)

L-lysine is mainly associated with the formation of collagen, and collagen with skin firmness. But collagen is not only about skin or the fight against wrinkles. Collagen is a protein that builds the extracellular matrix, i.e. the structure that connects cells and ensures organ integrity. Collagen is not a homogeneous protein. There are currently 29 types of collagens, encoded by various genes and differing in structure, function, distribution in tissues and the amount in which they are present in the body [14]. Collagens build e.g. skin structures, articular cartilage, tendons, bone matrix, are responsible for the elasticity of the arteries. To build normal collagen fibers, two exogenous components are necessary (which the body is unable to produce): L-lysine and vitamin C. In order for lysine to form collagen fibers, it must undergo a series of changes with the participation of appropriate enzymes. The work of these enzymes is guaranteed by vitamin C [15]. Therefore, both compounds are necessary for the construction of collagen, and the deficiency of one of them impairs its formation. As already mentioned, collagen builds the structures of the skin, bones, cartilage and arteries, therefore L-lysine, being one of the basic components of collagen, affects both the bone and joint system, skin quality and elasticity, as well as the circulatory system. Collagen fibers (and thus L-lysine) are also involved in wound healing and tissue regeneration. Moreover, the research results suggest that the amount of lysine has an inhibitory effect on some parameters in the process of angiogenesis - the formation of new blood vessels [16]. This is generally a positive process, but excessive angiogenesis is observed in cancer or atherosclerosis. L-lysine affects the bone and joint system not only by building collagens. This amino acid facilitates the absorption of calcium, thanks to which bone mineralization is possible, which is particularly important in the development phase and in the peri and postmenopausal period [17,18,19].

L-lysine and L-carnitine

The effect of L-lysine on the human body can be observed not only in the bone and joint system, skin and arteries. L-lysine allows you to burn fat - that is, it is necessary in the weight loss process. This is because L-lysine is a substrate for the production of L-carnitine in the human body, a compound responsible for proper fat burning. Burning fat tissue occurs as a result of the so-called the β-oxidation process. It has a place in the cell's mitochondria. In order for this process to take place properly, a transporter is needed that will lead free fatty acids to the place of combustion. This transporter is L-carnitine [21]. Thus, without L-Lysine, there is no L-Carnitine. Without L-carnitine, there is no fat burning. The role of L-carnitine in the body is not just a "fat burner". It is a compound of versatile activity: it is an antioxidant, it enables the removal of excess iron, lead and cadmium, it stabilizes cell membranes [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. Moreover, recent data show that L-carnitine and its natural L-propionyl carnitine derivative show the ability to modulate metabolism in cardiac muscle cells and can be used in the prevention and therapy of cardiovascular diseases [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,33,34]. But these are not all the positive effects of the role of this compound in the body. L-carnitine also affects the nervous system - it improves the ability to concentrate, learn, reflex, and has an antidepressant effect [35, 36, 37]. In addition, L-carnitine also affects the male reproductive system - it increases sperm mobility [38]. Typical symptoms of its deficiency, especially during a plant-based diet, are muscle weakness and coronary discomfort [27].

L-lysine and free radicals
L-lysine has antioxidant properties not only indirectly, through the structure of L-carnitine, but also directly. Analyzing the composition of legume proteins, it was found that they have good anti-radical properties. Research has shown that this is due to lysine [41, 42].

Lysine for cold sores
L-lysine and viral infections

Apart from all these properties of L-lysine, it is worth mentioning its influence on the immune system. It not only prevents colds and relieves the flu. First of all, a lysine-rich diet has been shown to benefit many viral infections, particularly Herpes virus (
herpes simplex virus) infection. However, one condition is important - a diet rich in L-lysine should also be low in another amino acid - arginine. When arginine promotes the multiplication of the herpes virus [44], lysine inhibits the growth of this virus [45, 46].

L-lysine and galanin
It is very interesting and significant for the body that L-lysine builds a compound called galanin. Galanin is a substance that affects virtually every process in the body. In the body's hormonal balance, it is responsible for the secretion of certain pituitary hormones. In the nervous system, it takes part in the processes of memory and pain sensation. In the digestive system, it influences gastrointestinal motility and insulin secretion [43]. The very fact that L-lysine is necessary for the formation of galanin in the body shows how important and irreplaceable it is for human health.

L-lysine and somatropin

The influence of L-lysine on muscles and adipose tissue can also be noticed by the fact that lysine can stimulate the pituitary gland to increase the production of the growth hormone - somatropin. The high level of this hormone increases the growth of pure muscle mass, leads to the reduction of subcutaneous fat and increases energy production. Especially after intense exercise, it accelerates the regeneration of the whole organism [39,40].

L-lysine and colostrum proteins
L-lysine is present in the human diet from the first moments of life - even in fetal life through the mother's diet and as a component of the first food - colostrum. Colostrum is secreted by the mammary glands of mammals in the last period before delivery and in the first days after delivery. Its administration to a newborn primarily shapes its immunity. L-lysine is a component of casein and whey proteins - the main components of colostrum, while whey proteins are characterized by a higher biological activity than casein and, in comparison with casein, contain more L-lysine [20]. The presence of L-lysine in the colostrum - the first food - shows the importance of this amino acid for the developing young organism.

Summary of the article about L-lysine
The article discusses the fundamental importance of L-lysine for the functioning of the human body. L-lysine, directly or as a component of many biologically active compounds, affects the structure of the skeleton (through the structure of collagen), the nervous system (through the structure of galanin), the circulatory system (through the structure of collagen and anti-radical properties), cell aging processes (through antioxidant properties) and the immune system (inhibiting the development of the herpes virus). Due to the fact that L-lysine is involved in so many processes occurring in the human system, its deficiencies may manifest themselves in a nonspecific form, both in the form of anemia, hair loss, irritation and problems with concentration [47]. The consequence of L-lysine deficiency in the diet is i.a. growth inhibition, muscle atrophy, disruption of protein biosynthesis as well as bone decalcification [48].

MSc. Ewa Mirkowicz, Human Nutrition Specialist
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