D-drops - Naturliga produkter Calivita

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Calivita D-drops
Calivita vitaminer
30 ml

Från och med nu att bevara din hälsa underlättas. CaliVita® s skapade D-drops, så att dess användning skulle vara enkel och lätt anpassas för varje familjemedlem . Är en flytande formel med en pipett, är det lätt att dosera i ett personligt sätt, antingen för barn eller äldre. Smaken är behagligt på grund av dess naturliga citrus ingredienser.
Antal i lager: 16
23.00 €
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A package for the whole family
Calivita vitaminer
4 x 30 ml
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D-drops - naturligt flytande vitamin D3

Liquid vitamin D

Each drop contains 10 µg of vitamin D3 in the form of cholecalciferol. Vitamin D has an important role in our body, contributing to normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus and to the maintenance of normal bones. Vitamin D is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children and supports normal functioning of the immune system.

To whom and when do we recommend it?

vitamin d3 in drops for children and adults

D-drops provides the most active form of vitamin D - vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and comes in an easy-to-use liquid dropper formula, guaranteeing the right dosage for the whole family! Vitamin D3 obtained from cod liver oil without the addition of artificial colors or sweeteners.

About 80% of vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of UV radiation, and only 20% is supplied with food. However, in our geographical zone, due to the limited amount of sunlight reaching the earth, its shortages are becoming more and more frequent. Staying in buildings most of the day, spending little time outdoors or - right in the context of protecting the skin against harmful radiation - using sunscreen creams, prevent the proper production of vitamin D.

How does vitamin D work?

  • has a beneficial effect on bones and muscles
  • has a beneficial effect on the immune system
  • takes part in the process of cell division
  • helps maintain dental health
  • participates in the proper absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus

Who do we especially recommend?

  • Everyone living in moderate latitude from September to April - especially children in growth and development, adults, perimenopausal women, pregnant * and breastfeeding women *.
  • People who avoid exposure to sunlight, work in closed rooms and use sunscreen.
  • The elderly all year round, due to the reduction of skin synthesis of vitamin D.
  • People with excess body weight - they require a greater supply of vitamin D due to its accumulation in adipose tissue.
  • People who consume processed foods high in saturated fatty acids, fast-food foods low in vitamin D.
  • People on a diet low in vitamin D, especially low in calories.
  • Everyone who wants to strengthen their immunity and maintain healthy teeth and bones.

Advantages of D-drops liquid vitamin D

  • contains the most active form of vitamin D - vitamin D3 - cholecalciferol (the potency of vitamin D3 is 30% greater than that of vitamin D2);
  • the product does not contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, dyes;
  • the product is easy to dose (dropper), very efficient - it contains up to 1000 drops.

How to dose vitamin D

In the period IX-IV and in the remaining months, when there is no proper skin synthesis:
  • Children over 3 years of age and adolescents up to 18 years of age - 20 μg of vitamin D3 (2 drops 0.06 ml) daily.
  • Adults - up to 50 μg of vitamin D3 (5 drops - 0.15 ml) daily.
  • People over 65 years of age - up to 50 μg of vitamin D3 (5 drops - 0.15 ml) daily throughout the year.
  • Pregnant women * (from the second trimester of pregnancy) and breastfeeding women *, unless adequate dietary supply and / or skin synthesis is ensured - up to 50 μg of vitamin D3 (5 drops - 0.15 ml) daily.

Vitamin D should be taken with a fatty meal as it is then better absorbed.

food supplement Calivita D-drops liquid vitamin D

30 ml


Take 3 drops (app.0,09 ml) daily mixed with liquids or food. Shake well before use.

Active ingredients

Medium chain triglycerides 95 mg
Vitamin D3 1200 I.U.

Ingredients in 1 drop /app.0,03 ml (=serving size):      %NRV*
medium chain triglycerides (MTC) 31,6 mg                    **
vitamin D3 10 µg                                                             200

*NRV = nutrient reference value
**no NRV established

medium chain triglycerides, natural flavourings (orange, lemon essential oil), cholecalciferol.

Keep out of reach of young children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
It’s important to follow a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Warnings: People taking medicines, pregnant and nursing women should consult their physician before consumption.

Store in a cool dry place. Refrigerate after opening.

Produced for: CaliVita International B.V. Beursplein 37, 3001 DC Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Best before: see bottom.
  • Do not exceed the daily recommended dose.
  • Store away from direct sunshine.
  • Do not apply in the case of hypocalcaemia.
  • In the case of kidney stones and sarcoidosis, consult your doctor.
  • In the case of applying any other formula containing vitamin D, consult your doctor.

Keywords: D-drops liquid vitamin D, vitamin D, vitamin D3, Calivita, rickets, depression
From now on the preservation of your health is made easier. We present you D-drops, CaliVita®’s latest vitamin D formula. We have created D-drops so that its use could be simple and easily personalized for every member of the family. Being a liquid formula with a dropper, it is easy to dose in a personalized way, either for children or the elderly. Its taste is pleasant due to its natural citrus ingredients and at the same time it is not overly characteristic, so it can be mixed into foods and beverages. In the course of manufacturing this liquid formula we do not apply any artificial flavors, sugar, sweeteners or artificial colorants.

Not only is it easy to apply, our new product contains D3 cholecalciferol, the most active form of vitamin D, which better elevates the vitamin D levels of blood than D2 (ergocalciferol) form. The best natural source of vitamin D3 is cod liver oil, so we also included it in our formula. Moreover, the serving is also economic, as one bottle may contain as much as 300 doses.* D-drops are a well-paid investment for health preservation. Adequate vitamin D levels could decrease flu cases by 90%, so of course we could also save money spent on flu treatment. **

In view of the results of the past few years, several medical organizations, including the National Health Institute of Harvard University, support the idea of increasing the present officially recommended daily dose of vitamin D by at least 30-60%.

Its supplementation is especially important in dark, fall and winter seasons, in pregnancy, for bodies in development, following menopause, in old age as well as in the case of absorption problems and obesity.

With the help of CaliVita® you also can do something for your health in an extremely simple and effective way with natural ingredients. Take this opportunity.

* Counting with recommended daily dose (for adults 3 drops – 1200 IU/day)
Ingredients/3 drops (approx.0,1 ml):
Vitamin D3 1200 IU

What You Should Know About Vitamin D3

D-drops – CaliVita®’s new miracle vitamin

Very little sunlight. The sun shines mainly above the clouds. Therefore, it also doesn’t warm anything. It is cold and dark. Or is it simply winter? From October to April our skin hardly produces vitamin D. And if during months with sunshine we protect our skin properly against the much talked about skin cancer, or simply sit too much in the office, our body is not able to be supplied with adequate amounts of vitamin D.

Do not assume you don’t need vitamin D in the spring.

Nearly 50% of the population of Europe have an inadeqaute vitamin D supply even in months of sunshine. This ratio may rise during winter to 70%-80%.

In a study performed in the summer of 2011, blood donors aged between 20-60 and active, elderly people who regularly partake in sport, were examined. The findings showed that 63% of the people above the age of 43 have vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, while in young people the result was 41%. These results are shocking as all this happened despite the fact that the study was performed in summer with adults who were healthy and/or do outdoor athletic activities.2 In view of the findings, one can easily imagine the possible results for people who lead a less active lifestyle or struggle with health problems!

So supplementing with vitamin D is also necessary even in spring and summer.

Vitamin D against winter depression

For a long time people believed that bad mood is due to lack of sunshine, shorter daylight periods and cold, uncomfortable weather in the Fall and Winter. Experts have also attributed a higher frequency of mental illnesses and depression to this season. However, there is a way around it! Several studies have revealed what causes this condition and achieved positive results using natural active agents such as omega-3 fatty acids. The latest results also highlight the importance of vitamin D.

Both patients diagnosed with depression as well as healthy people struggling with seasonal lethargy were found to have lower than optimal vitamin D levels. Although it has not yet been clearly proved whether the lack of vitamin D is a cause, result or it accompanies the condition, it seems that its supplementation has a beneficial effect on our mental state.

A study conducted in 2011 showed that patients struggling with winter depression experienced significant mood improvements after receiving vitamin D.

Keep in mind that vitamin D beneficially impacts your immune system! On one hand, it intensifies our resistance against pathogens, on the other, it inhibits autoimmune inflammations. It has been observed that in the winter months autoimmune illnesses cause more difficulties then ususal; some experts assume that this is linked to the lack of vitamin D, which is common in this period.

Did you know?
Using vitamin C can also contribute to mood improvement as it can not only support our immune system but, much like vitamin D, it also plays a role in the production of dopamine, responsible for mood control.
Recent research shows that, contrary to our previous knowledge, the role of vitamin D in human body is extremely complex as it can beneficially impact not only physical but also the mental state. It is virtually liquid sunshine!

Source: Vitamin D and depressive symptoms in women during the winter: a pilot study - Shipowick CD, Moore CB, Corbett C, Bindler R., Appl Nurs Res. 2009 Aug;22(3):221-5.
Read more about depression

D-drops is gaining momentum!

D-drops is gaining momentum!
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Do not think that you do not need vitamin D in the spring!

Almost 50% of Europe's population does not get enough vitamin D even during sunny months. In winter, this percentage increases to 70% -80%.

In a study conducted in the summer of 2011 were tested blood donors aged 20-60, and active people in old age. It was found that 63% of people aged over 43 have a lack or deficiency of vitamin D. In younger age this percentage is 41%. These results are shocking, as established in the summer in adults who are healthy and / or outdoor sportsmen. 2

It is not difficult to imagine what would be the results in people not so leading active lifestyles or suffering from various health problems!

So supplementation with vitamin D is necessary even in spring and summer.

Let's see why!

Way of life

The sun is shining in vain if we sit in the office from 8 to 5! We can obtain sufficient quantity of quality sunlight only if we  regularly sunbathe. Adequate sunlight varies during different seasons and in different regions. It is important to know that however great is the ability of our skin to synthesize vitamin D, it will not continue to increase after a certain dose of radiation. That is why we should not delude ourselves that after 2 weeks vacation we can load our body with enough vitamin D for the year, especially if we spent those two weeks in repairing our home. And do not forget about children addicted to television and computers!


Family doctors and dermatologists continue to advise us to protect skin with appropriate clothing and sunscreen, especially if you are constantly exposed to the sun (people working outdoors, children on holiday). Sunscreens with a factor greater than 8, however, reduce the formation of vitamin D with more than 90% but at the same time reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Age, diseases and other factors

With aging, thinning of the skin, reducing the kidney's ability to transform vitamin D and the development of various diseases reduces the ability of our body to make vitamin D. Absorption disorders of fat, vegetarian and low in fish diet, obesity, smoking, lactose intolerance, sun allergy, pigmentation risk in darker skin, these are reasons enough to defend from the sun, but also leads to reduced levels of vitamin D in the body.

Inadequate diet

Neither winter nor summer we consume enough food containing vitamin D or fortified with vitamin D. Even experts say that we are not only able to comply diet with the new recommendations on taking an excessive amount of vitamin D, as one would to consume 33 eggs or more than 6 kg of fish per day.

The solution is simple!

D drops, containing vitamin D3, the most effective form of vitamin D, derived from a natural source - with orange and lemon flavor is a simple solution for the whole family.
  • Natural liquid formula with a dropper.
  • No sugar or sweetener added.
  • No artificial flavors and colors.

Content / 3 drops (about 0.1 ml):
Vitamin D3 1200 IU

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose!
  • Keep the bottle tightly closed in a cool, away from moisture and high temperature. Do not freeze.
  • Do not use in case of hypercalcemia!
  • When kidney stones and sarcoidosis consult a doctor!
  • If you are taking other formula containing vitamin D, talk to your doctor!

1 - UN 2005. http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/WUP2005/2005wup.htm
2 - D-vitamin-ellátottság felmérése Vas megye egészséges véradói körében / Vitamin D supply among healthy blood donors in County Vas, Hungary - É. Virágh, D. Horváth, Z. Lőcsei, L. Kovács, R. Jáger, B. Varga, G. Kovács L., E. Salamonné Toldy; Orvosi Hetilap 153. / vol 41 .; 1629-1637, Akadémiai Kiadó 2012

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