Organic Acai - Snabba upp din ämnesomsättning

Acai är en exotisk frukt som härstammar från Amazonas regnskogar, vilket är utomordentligt rik på antioxidanter, vitaminer, mineraler och olika aminosyror. Det har högt fiberinnehåll men det innehåller relativt lite socker. Vår produkt av ekologisk certifiering kommer från kontrollerade ekologiska gårdar.
Organic Acai - Ekologisk acaibärsjuice med äppel- och körsbärsjuice för en bättre smak
Organic Acai contains acai, exotic fruit from the tropical Amazon rainforest, it also contains apple and black cherry juice concentrates.
Organic Acai is Certified Organic which guarantees its ingredients come from strictly controlled organic farming, and are grown without the use of additives, growth regulators, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Best before: see bottom.
Organic acai fruit juice
Acai berry
The active ingredients of acai berry can
- have a positive effect on the appearance, beauty and figure,
- support the protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA against damage,
- take part in the removal of free oxygen radicals,
- show a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart,
- take care to maintain the proper concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood,
- support the maintenance of normal blood glucose and insulin levels,
- have a beneficial effect on the nervous system (concentration, memory, mental clarity),
- contribute to maintaining proper energy metabolism,
- support the immune system,
- have a positive effect on digestive processes,
- take care of the eyesight.
Organic Acai with Apple and Black Cherry straight from organic cultivation
Who do we especially recommend?
- Those who seek strong antioxidant protection, especially smokers, people leading a stressful lifestyle or with an unbalanced diet, inhabitants of cities with polluted air and those who regularly consume alcohol,
- those who wish to supplement the therapy against Metabolic Syndrome (high insulin levels, reduced glucose tolerance, excess weight, high blood pressure, increased triglyceride and cholesterol levels),
- people who seek tasty supplements of organic certification for their body weight loss diet,
- those who want to improve the resistance of the body,
- in order to support the balanced functioning of the body.
liquid food supplement Calivita: Organic Acai
Organic Acai active ingredients
Organic apple fruit juice concentrate (Malus domestica) 3130 mg
Organic black cherry fruit juice concentrate (Prunus avium) 3185 mg
- Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
- Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
- Keep out of reach of young children.
- With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
- We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
- During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
- We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
- Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
- The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
- The products are manufactured according to the principles of cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
Keywords: Acai Calivita, organic acai juice, acai juice, organic acai
Acai fruit - Euterpe oleracea - the secret of longevity
A great antioxidant
What does Acai berry contain
Acai - a valuable component of the diet
Why choose Organic Acai CaliVita®
Acai, King of the Superfruits
Almost half of the diet of some Amazonian tribes is composed of this fruit, which grows on the top of palm trees more than 25 meters high and is harvested twice a year. It is of dark lilac color, has an almost regular spherical shape, and consists of berries slightly smaller than those of a grape. Many compare its taste to the blend of red wine and chocolate.
Acaï is extremely rich in antioxidants, and contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, C and E, iron, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and different amino acids. It has a high fiber content, while it is low in sugar. In 24 hours after harvesting it loses most of its nutrient value, so in order to prevent this from happening , acai is processed immediately and we can ingest it in the form of mash or juice.
Natives used acaï for treating several problems such as: skin diseases, as an antifebrile, against menstrual pains and indigestion. But they also applied it in the case of diabetes, heart diseases and different tumorous diseases. Acaï enjoys unceasing popularity among those on a weight loss program and many people share their experiences about it on the Internet. Although studies are still at an early phase, scientists continuously strive to support acaï with research, primarily focusing on its high antioxidant content.
According to rules of organic farming and sustainable development, the acaï crop of the jungle should remain where it is. That is why the highest quality acaï products can only come from an organic farm. In these farms they take care not to exhaust the soil by not using pesticides or chemicals, or applying genetical engineering.
Check out our news in e-mail and on our website in order to know as much as possible about this fantastic fruit.
Do you know the story of Acai?
Legend has it that once upon a time an Indian tribe had to facedrought and famine for a long time. Their chief commanded to kill every newborn child in order to curb the increase in population. But soon his own daughter, Iaca bore a wonderful, beautiful girl. But her father’s law struck her down as well and her baby was murdered. Iaca cried for 3 days and 3 nights, and then one night all of a sudden, she heard a baby crying.
She followed the sound and finally she saw her daughter in the moonlight under a palm tree. She went up to her and hugged her, but the baby disappeared and Iaca died in her sorrow. The next morning her father found her, with her arms around the palm tree, smiling, holding her palms upwards under the tree. The chief looked up and saw the branches covered with lilac fruit. He immediately ordered to pick them and it turned out that the fruit is delicious and nutritious and the tribe escaped famine. The chief named the fuit after her daughter, Iaca, read the other way round, acaï. That’s the origin of its other name, `crying fruit`.
An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Acai (Euterpe oleracea) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration, Journal of Dietary Supplements, 9(2):128–147, 2012
Pacheco-Palencia LA, Mertens-Talcott S, Talcott ST (Jun 2008). "Chemical composition, antioxidant properties, and thermal stability of a phytochemical enriched oil from Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.)". J Agric Food Chem. 56 (12): 4631–6.
Acai - Superfruits in action
Acai against obesity
Unusual health properties of acai berries in the light of current scientific research
Euterpe oleracea (Acai) is a fruit found in the pristine forests of the Amazon, for centuries used in both traditional therapeutic treatments and daily diet.
Its positive impact on the human body, among others, on the heart, vision, gastrointestinal tract, joints, bones or carbohydrate metabolism has been studied by many scientists around the world. However, according to the researchers, this exotic fruit, hides even more power salutary action on our health!
- Maintain an appropriate level of cholesterol in the blood
- Protect blood vessels
- Reduce platelet aggregation
- Care of proper blood pressure
- Contain ingredients good for the heart
- Are the antioxidant protection for cells
- Help maintain the metabolism of homocysteine
- Have a beneficial effect on the digestive functions
- Detox the body
- Prevent reflux and peptic ulcer
- Prevent macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts
- Improve microcirculation in the eye
- Have beneficial effects on bone and joints and connective tissue
- Inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses
- They supplement our diet in the active substances stimulating the immune system
- Suppress appetite
- "Turn up the metabolism"
- Reduce the energy value of food
- Help cleanse the body of toxins
- Positively affect the intestinal peristalsis
- Inhibit the aging process
- Help maintain a healthy, beautiful appearance
- Protect cells from damage
- Acai Berry is a source of valuable minerals that contribute to the maintenance of dental health: calcium, magnesium.
Have positive effect on the nervous system
- Acai contains vitamins B1, B2, niacin and minerals: potassium, magnesium, copper and iodine supporting proper functioning of the nervous system.
Improve mental clarity
- Acai berries are a valuable source of components reducing fatigue (vitamin B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium).
- Fruit of Acai improve psychological functions (vitamin B1, niacin) and cognitive function (iron, iodine).
- Preferably affect muscles
- Support for joints
- Help maintain electrolyte balance and acid - base balance
- Support the transport of oxygen and iron metabolism
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Recensioner om Calivita Organic Acai
Missing suffering that lasted for 53 years